"I was quite shy in first year and now I'm President'
Emily Roxbee Cox on how she wants to give students the best possible experience
Emily Roxbee Cox on how she wants to give students the best possible experience
Local foodbanks and schools are among the organisations benefiting from recycled computer equipment donated by Liverpool John Moores University.
Liverpool's Albert Dock is set to be the backdrop for a high-profile LJMU archaeological dig later this month.
On Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th August 2019, the MA Art in Science programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design hosted an Art & Science Exchange workshop with members of the Biochemical Society. The exchange was held at the John Lennon Art and Design Building, in the Public Exhibition Space and X-Gallery amongst the MA Art in Science student's end of programme postgraduate exhibition, which showcases the outcomes of their three month research projects. These projects served as a basis for investigation of specific art-science interactions, and were supported by open discussions, hands on activities and a Liverpool LASER talk.
Our LJMU Accommodation team is giving their advice on 5 things to definitely leave behind.
The police staff, drawn from Nottinghamshire Police, West Midlands Police and British Transport Police, secured the scholarship opportunity under an initiative known as Project Harpocrates. The project seeks to support law enforcement efforts to recruit and retain staff in the highly specialist area of covert operations and specialist intelligence. Whilst the project was open to all officers one of the specific aims of the project is to increase the representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff (BAME) in this challenging and exciting area of investigation and intelligence management.
LJMU Film Studies and Creative Writing Student, and now LJMU graduate, Benjamin Jones shares his take on what life was like on set of a major film production, what he learnt and how his course at Liverpool Screen School helped him in the world of film.
LJMU is proud of its place in Liverpool and we are at the beating heart of almost everything that happens in the region. However, with that presence comes a responsibility to be mindful and aware of our potential impact. In partnership with the other universities in the city, LJMU has embarked on a number of initiatives to work with local residents.
Monday 25th - Friday 29th November is Estranged Students Solidarity Week, a national campaign to raise awareness of the issues affecting students who are studying in higher education without the support of a family network.
Our Student Futures: Careers, Employability and Enterprise team has a range of careers support over December and the festive break.