Face of the Great Pharaoh revealed
Face Lab researchers work with Egyptologists to reconstruct the face of Ramses II
Face Lab researchers work with Egyptologists to reconstruct the face of Ramses II
Liverpool Business School lecturer, Dr Madeleine Stevens, is tackling the often-uncomfortable topic of redundancy in her latest publication.
LJMU has released its latest film to celebrate the bicentennial of the university. The film titled 200 years of ‘Yes you can’ celebrates the university’s long history within the city, raising people up.
Ramandan begins this week but what 's its importance for practicing Muslims? Plus inclusive guidance to follow to support students and colleagues
Given the success of last year's pilot, we are running the LJMU Reciprocal Mentoring Programme again and we are extending it to include BAME staff from across the institution. The programme is open to all LJMU Senior Staff from Director Level of non BAME Background and to BAME staff from non-Director Level and to Black Students from all Faculties.
The university has begun work on a series of major projects to continue the transformation of our Byrom Street site for the benefit of students and staff.
Mark Power opens joyful event which saw hundreds of staff reunited
Join staff, students and friends for the annual Pride March on Saturday 27th July
LJMU Religion & Belief Workshops (2020) - Understanding religious diversity of our students and staff community
We meet JMSU's Vice-President (Education) Charlotte Clayton-Hayes