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  1. William Roscoe

    He is the father of Liverpool culture, a founding father of LJMU and best known as one of England's first abolitionists. The Roscoe name lives on through our public lecture series that fosters informed debate, broadens horizons and perspectives, and upholds the crucial spirit of intellectual inquiry and free speech in which Roscoe passionately believed.

  2. Legal Advice Centre

    The LAC is staffed by students, and supervised by experienced clinic staff and volunteer solicitors from leading Liverpool law firms. The Centre advises on a wide range of legal issues, provides public legal information services and conducts policy and other research.

  3. Forensic anthropology

    The Forensic anthropology group is committed to the development of protocols and guidelines to increase the reliability of the recovery, documentation and analysis of human remains. We provide casework consultancy for forensic anthropological analysis, facial approximation and mass grave excavation. Find out about our work by viewing our publications, collaborations, research areas and people.