Discovery of rotating disc around nascent star 'a special moment'
Finding from ARI, ESO and Durham University could help us understand how stars are born
Finding from ARI, ESO and Durham University could help us understand how stars are born
Hundreds sell on turtles and tortoises in small ads
LBS and Circle Health Group scoop Gold from European Foundation for Management Development
Thousands employed in the fishing industry face debt and financial hardship, according to findings from the Research Unit for Financial Inclusion at Liverpool John Moores University.
BETTER LIVING advice from LJMU experts is a key theme at Eureka Merseysides new Science + Discovery visitor attraction.
LJMUs Faculty of Engineering and Technology plays host to the major players in the housing and construction industry on January 19-21.
Sport Scientists deliver international education to medics and health professionals.
LJMU to play key role in EU Atlantic Strategy
LJMU and Tate Liverpool present first European showing of György Kepes exhibition
LJMU Media Production students go behind the scenes of Peaky Blinders which was filmed in Liverpool.