Search the LJMU website

  1. UK-MUC activities

    Find out what activities are included in the UK Malaysia University Consortium.

  2. External Engagement

    Learn all about External Engagement, the award winning public engagement interface for the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

  3. Gillian Miller and Kevin Fearon

    Read the orations for Gillian Miller and Kevin Fearon on the award of their Honorary Fellowship form LJMU, the University's highest honour.

  4. Computational and theoretical galaxy formation

    The computational and theoretical galaxy formation group within the Astrophysics Research Institute uses state-of-the-art simulations on supercomputing facilities. Find out more about our research.

  5. CPD Emergency care

    This continuing professional development (CPD) programme will equip you with skills and insights on the latest developments in emergency care.

  6. Study Postgraduate Public Health

    From the effects of global pandemics to issues such as health inequalities and the impact of drugs and alcohol on communities and individuals, the study of public health is one that affects all of us.