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  1. Faces of Merseyside

    The Faces of Merseyside project analyses the faces of people from Merseyside. Find out more about this exciting research project undertaken by ART LABS.

  2. About the Artivism Research Group

    Based within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion, Artivism seeks to explore new models of collaborative work between researchers, artists, curators, campaign groups and charities.

  3. Practice Learning Support Unit

    The Practice Learning Support Unit (PLSU) are responsible for allocating practice placements to the School of Nursing and Allied Health students. If you are a student or a practice partner, this section provides a wealth of information to help you during the placement process.

  4. MedCan Project

    This project focuses on the lived experiences of people prescribed cannabis in the UK.

  5. Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies

    The Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies is home to the School of Humanities and Social Science, Liverpool School of Art and Design, School of Education and the School of Justice Studies. Find out more about the Faculty's courses, research and staff here.