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  1. First Step Spring Internships available for Level 4 students

    A new pilot internship programme for first year students (level 4 only) with little to no previous work experience launched on Monday 15 January and close at midnight on Sunday 4 February. There will be no interview process for these opportunities, the Student Futures team will undertake a matching process between participating organisations and students. The internships will begin on Monday 4 March (start dates may vary for each role).

  2. Menopause cafe April

    To keep conversations moving forward around the menopause, the next menopause café is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 19 April, from 10am to 11.30am in the John Lennon Art and Design Building, Ann Walker Seminar Room.

  3. LJMU Religion & Belief Workshops “Understanding religious diversity of our students and staff community”

    LJMUs Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team, are proud to be working in partnership with Zia Chaudhry (Director of LJMU Foundation for Citizenship), Zane Abdo (LJMU Muslim Adviser/Chaplin), Rabbi Natan Fagleman (LJMU Jewish Chaplain), Hannah Padfield (LJMU Anglican Chaplain), Father Neil Ritchie (LJMU Catholic Chapain) and other external consultants in order to offer LJMU Staff (& Students*), the opportunity to participate in a bespoke, half day Religion & Belief workshop.

  4. Researchers prove herbivore mammals do have bigger bellies

    Dr Carlo Meloro from Liverpool John Moores University, with a team of European scientists, has investigated the volumes of body cavities in a large range of extant and fossil tetrapods and found that plant feeding animals have bigger bellies than their carnivore counterparts.