Search the LJMU website

  1. Beverston Enginnering

    Read more about the collaboration between Beverston Engineering and LCR 4.0 working closely together we were able to develop a package of work, concentrating upon technologies which could have significant impact upon component accuracy improvement and waste reduction within the CNC manufacturing process.

  2. Public Health Institute case studies

    The Public Health Institute is involved in some important research. Read our case studies to gain a good summary of the type of projects we're engaged in.

  3. SDG 13 - Climate action

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Climate action.

  4. Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar

    Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar is a series of talks exploring media, culture and identity. The research events attract high-profile speakers and is aimed at academics and students. Find out more.

  5. Kristina's story

    Find your place...we talk to Liverpool John Moores University student, Kristina, about her experiences at the University.