Are young people frozen out politically?
LJMU student Rachael Carroll talks about votes for 16-year-old, democracy and the European Youth Parliament
LJMU student Rachael Carroll talks about votes for 16-year-old, democracy and the European Youth Parliament
The Football Exchange, from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, hosted its first ‘Psychology of Football’ conference. The event, endorsed by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES), was attended by over 120 delegates, including representatives from every English Premier League club, the Scottish Leagues and women’s football, with practitioners travelling from across the UK, Holland, Denmark, Estonia, Norway, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal, Poland and the US.
Liverpool John Moores University’s role in a new innovative local government partnership will boost research capacity and capability to tackle health inequalities and improve outcomes across the city.
The Wrong Sex: Franchon Fröhlich will show at the Exhibition Research Lab, John Lennon Art and Design Building from February 17 to May, 2023.
New and improved Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement (CME) for Module Leaders is now available on Webhub.
Psychologist Valentina Cazzato collaborates with Edge Hill in AHRC-funded project to understand the neuroscience of dance as therapy
From IT support and Student Advice and Wellbeing, to who to call if you need security on campus, we’ve got you covered.
Footprints from birds bear remarkable similarity with those of dinosaurs from 200 million years ago, according to a new international study.
Incentives for staff and students to travel sustainably are being put on the table to back the university's newly-approved Active and Sustainable Travel Plan.
The discovery of invisible galaxies billions of light years from Earth is helping us understand the origins of the Universe, say astrophysicists.