Professor Mark Power
Professor Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University.
Professor Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University.
Starting your own business or freelancing information for final year students.
Equality charter marks or “charters” enable organisations to apply for awards that recognise their commitment to and progression of, equality, diversity and inclusion related areas.
Considering postgraduate study as a final year student? Find out about this option.
There is a recent flipped learning case study on the University of Sussex TEL blog. Sussex have recently introduced Panopto and also use Canvas so you may find this interesting and useful.
Download our range of careers guides and resources, including Career Planning Guides and Career Insights. Career Mini Guides cover topics such as CVs and covering letters, application forms, interviews, LinkedIn, part-time jobs, volunteering, postgraduate study, graduate schemes and more.
Qualitative Analysis in Action is an online toolkit that provides open access to 32 interviews with inspirational Nepali women along with a range of resources and demonstrations of qualitative data analysis.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, we provide some further reading suggestions so you can learn more about Nepal.
Access information for Avril Robarts Library
On this page you will find employability support and resources to aid with the transition from LJMU to the workplace.