Further reading about Nepal

Learn more about Nepal from these resources

To take your learning of Nepal further, the following resources may be of interest.

Andrea, J.N. (2010) Bounding difference: Intersectionality and the material production of gender, caste, class and environment in Nepal. Geoforum. Volume 42, (2011) 153–162.

Asian Development Bank (2010) Overview of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Nepal. [Online] Available at: http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/institutionaldocument/32237/cga-nep-2010.pdf [Accessed: 8 July, 2015].

Berger, T.M. and Guidroz, K. (2010) The Intersectional Approach: Transforming the Academy through Race, Class, and Gender. North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press.

Brunson, J. (2010) Son Preference in the Context of Fertility Decline: Limits to New Constructions of Gender and Kinship in Nepal. Studies in Family Planning. Volume 41, (2) 89–98 [Online] Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1728-4465.2010.00229.x/epdf [Accessed: 7 July, 2015].

Cameron, M.M. (1994) Transformations of Gender and Caste Divisions of Labor in Rural Nepal: Land, Hierarchy, and the Case of Untouchable Women. Journal of Anthropological Research. Volume, 51 (3) 215-245.

Cameron, M.M. (1998) On the Edge of the Auspicious: Gender and caste in Nepal. Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

Cox, T. (1992) The Badi: Prostitution as a social norm among an untouchable caste of West Nepal. [Online] Available at: http://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/kailash/pdf/kailash_16_0304_02.pdf [Accessed: 7 July, 2015].

DWO (2010) Dalit Welfare Organisation Nepal Dalits. [Online] Available at: www.dwo.org.np/dalit.php [Accessed: 4 January 2016].

Gellner, N.D. and Quigley, D. (1999) Contested Hierarchies: A Collaborative Ethnography of Caste Among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. London: Oxford University Press.

Gellner, N.D. (2007) Caste, Ethnicity and Inequality in Nepal. Economic and Political Weekly. Volume 42, (20) 1823-1828.

Human Development Report (2013) Nepal Country Profile Human Development Indicator. [Online] Available at: http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/NPL [Accessed 12 January 2016].

Hogan, S. (2013) Understanding Discourse Analysis? Paper Produced for Doctor of Practice `Students. [Online] Available at: https://www.academia.edbnbnbbu/3709348/Understanding_Discourse_Analysis [Accessed: 6 July, 2015].

Levine, E.N. (1987) Caste, State, and Ethnic Boundaries in Nepal. The Journal of Asian Studies. Volume 46, (1) 71-88.

Murshed, M.S. and Gates, S. (2005) Spatial–Horizontal Inequality and the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal. Review of Development Economics. Volume 9, (1) 121-134. [Online] Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9361.2005.00267.x/epdf [Accessed: 7 July, 2015].

Nightingale, A.J. (2011) Bounding difference: Intersectionality and the material production of gender, caste, class and environment in Nepal. Geoforum. Volume 42, (2) 153-162.

Parker, S. and Standing, K. (2013) Inspirational Women; insights into gender and development in Nepal in Hamro Sansar – published by PK Campus CDHSWS.

Parker, S., Standing, K. Pant, B. (2012) Caught in the Cross Fire: Children’s Right to Education During Conflict – The Case of Nepal 1996–2006. Children and Society. Volume 27 (5), 372-385.

Sharma, M. and Prasain, D. (2004) Gender Dimensions of the Peoples War: Some Reflections on the Experiences of Rural Women. In Hutt, M. (ed) Himalayan People's War: Nepal's Maoist Rebellion. Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Standing, K., Parker, S. and Dhital, L. (2008) “Schools in Nepal: “zones of peace” or sites of gendered violence?”. In: Leach, F. and Mitchell, C. (Eds) Gender Violence in and around Schools – Strategies for Change. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham, 91–99.

Stash, S. and Hannum, E. (2001) “Who Goes to School? Educational Stratification by Gender, Caste and Ethnicity in Nepal.” Comparative Education Review. Volume 45 (3), 354-378.

University of Strathclyde. (n.d) Critical Discourse Analysis: An Analytic Framework for Educational Research Opening activity [Online] Available at: http://www.strath.ac.uk/aer/materials/6furtherqualitativeresearchdesignandanalysis/unit3/introduction/ [Accessed: 6 July, 2015].

Van Dijk, T.A. (n.d) What do we mean by 'Discourse Analysis'? [Online] Available at: http://www.discourses.org/journals/das/whatisdiscourseanalysis/index.html [Accessed: 6 July, 2015].

World Bank (2013) Nepal. [Online] Available at: http://data.worldbank.org/country/nepal [Accessed 13 January 2016].