eDoc - A new postgraduate online progression system
eDocs launch coincided with the centenary of the PhD qualification in the UK
eDocs launch coincided with the centenary of the PhD qualification in the UK
The prestigious titles are awarded to those who have made an outstanding contribution to society, or an outstanding achievement by an individual in a given field, resonating with the ethos and values of the university and the city of Liverpool.
The School of Law held a discussion day on Tuesday on Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for people to learn more about the legal context of the war.
Policies updated
Quality Assurance Agency set out standards for degrees for police trainees
Training for Chairs, Panel Members and Programme Teams
Analysis of footprints evidences unique Sauropod 'roll'
The discovery of invisible galaxies billions of light years from Earth is helping us understand the origins of the Universe, say astrophysicists.
Professionalisation of policing "good for recruits and society"
From Guantanamo to Xinjiang, from India to Europe, governments globally appear increasingly willing to detain citizens and migrants on suspicion rather than evidence.