Search the LJMU website

  1. Booking LJMU Sport facilities for events

    To book out the sports hall or the studios, please make sure to include the dates and times required for the booking alongside which specific space that will be used.

  2. Seminar Series 2019 to 2020

    The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about Seminar Series 2018-2019.

  3. Food

    Discover how LJMU promotes health and sustainability with local and ethical food sourcing. Using plant-based menus, Fair Trade coffee and water refill stations.

  4. Graduate case study

    Since graduating, Robert Wild has worked as a mechanical design engineer, helped design a robotic arm and was awarded UK Nuclear Graduate of the Year. Get career inspiration and see where an engineering degree could take you.

  5. Applied Forensic Technology Research Group

    The Applied Forensic Technology Research (AFTeR) Group is interested in all aspects of the application of technology within the field of forensic work. A particular focus is on audio and video forensics.