CBD use in rugby high as players seek to soothe pain
A new study from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) highlights the high prevalence of cannabidiol (CBD) use among professional rugby players despite warnings it could lead to drugs bans.
A new study from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) highlights the high prevalence of cannabidiol (CBD) use among professional rugby players despite warnings it could lead to drugs bans.
Business as usual for teaching and research
Following a recent review of LJMU staff car parking provision, the university will continue to subsidise staff car parking until 31 August 2023.
To help reduce the spread of Covid, Public Health at Liverpool City Council are conducting a survey of LJMU students.
There is currently one vacancy on the Board of Governors for a member of Teaching staff for the period of office 21st April 2020 to 20th April 2023.
AI from Liverpool John Moores University is being used to identify animals, plot their movements and spot wounds in a bid to help conservationists, reports New Scientist.
Following the call for nominations, an election for the non-teaching member of staff on Academic Board will take place.
Amid relief and joy, almost 100 of our own university colleagues collected their degrees this week. We spoke to a handful of them ...
Liverpool John Moores University, in partnership with the University of Liverpool, are set to host a new £1.3million Centre for Doctoral Training providing comprehensive postgraduate training in data intensive science.
A new scheme, Positive Action Training (PAT), helping local people of colour enter employment at LJMU has been launched by the Vice-Chancellor (interim).