Travelling to St George's Hall
Here you will find information about travelling to St George's Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us
Here you will find information about travelling to St George's Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Find out more about how the Legal Advice Centre can help with legal information or policy research.
This project focuses on the role olfactory and oral perception plays in shaping our consummatory experiences, preferences, and food seeking behaviours. Research into this area is important to health research, shaping understanding of individual differences in food selection, consumption, and other dietary behaviours.
Liverpool Business School
Learn how you can help to support LJMU's sustainable initiatives, from drinking tap water and recycling and to cycling and walking once a week.
Read the oration for Ramsey Campbell on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Roger Phillips.
School of Psychology
Commissioned by Unite Students, this research explores the experiences of Black students across university accommodation and private halls of residence, amplifying their voices and stories to the wider Higher Education sector.
The Public Health Institute is involved in some important research. Read our case studies to gain a good summary of the type of projects we're engaged in.