What's going on in Liverpool in 2022?
Being a student in the UKs most exciting city means you get access to a range of events happening right on your doorstep. So, what is coming up in 2022, in our city and at LJMU?
Being a student in the UKs most exciting city means you get access to a range of events happening right on your doorstep. So, what is coming up in 2022, in our city and at LJMU?
LCAPS' lecturer Peter Williams goes above and beyond in media commentary
Professor Ian Campbell took up his role as our new Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive on 14 October.
Liverpool John Moores University is delighted to announce that Sir Peter Bazalgette, Chair of Arts Council England, will be awarded an Honorary Fellowship during the University’s November graduation ceremonies.
As the whole university looks towards the beginning of the next standard academic year, this all staff update offers an overview of the work being undertaken to register and welcome our new students.
Staff recently came together to celebrate the power of staff networks in the workplace and to mark the launch of the Admin and PA Staff Network.
More than 100 people from 12 countries gathered in-person and online for a two-day global symposium hosted by LJMU's Liverpool Business School and Social Value UK.
UUK analysis shows extra earnings outstrip costs of university
Read more about the guest speakers for the global conference of the International Council for Coaching Excellence being hosted by LJMU.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to David Carter at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 14 July 2017.