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  1. Thesis Boot Camp

    PGRs attended 2 day residential writing event, at Gladstone's Library in Wales.

  2. Election Results

    Election of a new Teaching member of staff to the Board of Governors

  3. Information and guidance regarding scabies

    Communal living arrangements such as university residences can make students more at risk of contracting scabies. Find out what the symptoms are and guidance of what to do next.

  4. Outstanding graduates celebrate success

    At the final winter graduation ceremony, students from the Faculties of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, Science, and Engineering and Technology celebrated receiving their awards in the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.

  5. St Patricks Day and Liverpool

    Following International Women’s Day (8 March) and ahead of St Patrick’s Day (17 March), our Diversity and Inclusion team is looking at some of the Irish women who have made a significant contribution to Liverpool.