Charlie Smith
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Liverpool School of Art and Design
The Forensic Research Institute is a research and training organisation with expertise in aspects of evidence collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. We have a proven track record of impact in assisting criminal justice agencies in crime-prevention, police work, the preparation of cases, victim identification, victim and witness support and much more.
This study, funded by the NIHR, intends to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns on children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Policing and securities research is divided into strands, find out more about this work.
Find out more about how LJMU Business School created a model that re-engineers the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and trials operator, ensuring greater communication and common purpose. Improving patient outcomes through better project management of clinical trials
School of Education
Astrophysics Research Institute
Arts Professional and Social Studies
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering