First national consultation
This project aims to create a universal definition of physical literacy in England to hopefully catalyse efforts to adopt, support and promote physical literacy in practice.
This project aims to create a universal definition of physical literacy in England to hopefully catalyse efforts to adopt, support and promote physical literacy in practice.
By studying the gas and stars that shape the Milky Way as well as other galaxies in the local Universe, we can understand the life cycles of stars like our Sun, unravel the chemical enrichment history of the universe, and probe the existence of black holes across a wide mass spectrum.
Andrea is part of LJMU’s dedicated School of Education team who support and train our teachers of the future. She is also committed to driving forwards social justice, putting that ethos into all that she does, inspiring others so that they can raise their own aspirations.
Keynote speakers
Get in to teaching and gain hands-on teaching practice in schools, observe how children learn, undertake work-related learning within the local community. Explore LJMU's undergraduate and postgraduate education courses.
This project aims to create a universal definition of physical literacy in England to hopefully catalyse efforts to adopt, support and promote physical literacy in practice.
Contact Physical Literacy staff
Read the oration for Lord Martin Rees on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
Find out more about the history of I M Marsh College of Physical Training.
Membership of the DisSPA network is now open to individuals and organisations who are committed to increasing the provision of inclusive and empowering sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disability.