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  1. History

    A leading history department in the country, LJMU History has a 91% student satisfaction rating on the 2022 National Students Survey.

  2. Sustainability

    LJMU embraces sustainable development, aligning with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals to meet today's needs while protecting the future.

  3. Louisa Flitter

    Louisa Fitter is a Civil Engineering Senior Project Manager at the Environment Agency, and she was chosen as a Bicentenary year honorary fellow for her work as a STEM ambassador for women in engineering and being a role model to current LJMU students.

  4. Adam Vasco

    Adam is a former education lecturer who progressed LJMU’s links with underrepresented Black communities in Liverpool, giving them confidence to seek out higher education opportunities.

  5. International students

    Discover why international students choose LJMU. Explore our diverse community, support and scholarships available.

  6. Library resources

    Overview and access to all the information resources made available by LJMU Library Services.