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  1. Chancellor boosts links in Asia

    Read more about LJMU Chancellor Sir Brian Leveson's first overseas mission to further the university’s global partnerships in China and Malaysia, bringing benefits to students at home and abroad.

  2. Honorary Fellow Lou McGrath OBE

    Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Lou McGrath OBE at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 14 July 2017.

  3. Supporting Science and Engineering Innovation

    LJMU has received a £5 million share of HEFCE’s £200 million funding scheme to support an increase in high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students.

  4. Discoveries of faint galaxies using supernovae

    Tom Sedgwick, PhD student at the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), part of LJMU,has with a team of ARI astronomers discovered 140 ‘new’galaxies, with findings due to be published in April’s edition of the prestigious journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

  5. A day to remember

    Friday 17 July was the final day of LJMU's 2015 summer graduation ceremonies