BSc (Hons) Midwifery interview
As a prospective future midwife, your ability to present yourself in a professional manner will be assessed, along with other areas, such as your passion for the vocation, and awareness and knowledge of the role.
As a prospective future midwife, your ability to present yourself in a professional manner will be assessed, along with other areas, such as your passion for the vocation, and awareness and knowledge of the role.
Find important Pre-CAS interview guidance for students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Nigeria.
Are you able to think clearly and compassionately in a time of crisis? Explore our nursing, midwifery and paramedic courses.
The Professional Midwifery Advocate education programme aims to prepare registered midwives to achieve the standards and competencies required to successfully undertake the role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA).
The Professional Midwifery Advocate education programme aims to prepare registered midwives to achieve the standards and competencies required to successfully undertake the role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA).
LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. Read the photography and video consent privacy notice.
The School of Public and Allied Health has a wide range of courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and CPD level.
The school of Public and Allied Health brings together disciplines from across the spectrum of health and social care, from high-level, wide-reaching policy perspectives, through to those professions delivering personalised patient care.
Ian Walker was a Fourth Engineer for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Ian Walker's interview.
Harry Madden was a Junior Engineer for Elder Dempster Lines. Listen to Harry Madden's interview.