PhD student takes care support to Parliament
Shaunna praised for help for other care-experienced students
Shaunna praised for help for other care-experienced students
A flying visit to North America has helped cement relations between LJMU and Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU).
Dr Emma Murray, a Reader in Military Veteran Studies, has been collaborating with FACT since 2014 and in 2019 became FACT’s Criminologist-in-Residence.
Oration for Honorary Fellowship award
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Professor Denise Barrett-Baxendale at Liverpool Cathedral on Monday 10 July 2017.
My LJMU, Canvas, Outlook and the Microsoft Authenticator apps are essential for all new students.
Thirteen dual-award engineering students from China met with LJMU’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mark Power, in recognition of their successful studies and in celebration of the beginning of Lunar New Year.
16 students were presented with their international scholarships this week at a reception in the Student Life Building.
LJMU has earned a glowing report from Ofsted following an inspection of its degree apprenticeship programmes.
First graduates from LJMU's pioneering environmental course BSc in Climate change