January 2020 Exam FAQs
Assessments will be taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 17 January 2020. To support you in preparation for exams, weve answered the frequently asked questions.
Assessments will be taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 17 January 2020. To support you in preparation for exams, weve answered the frequently asked questions.
Over 10,000 LJMU students from the Class of 2021 and 2022 have graduated over the past fortnight at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.
The following policies have been updated on the Policy Centre...
Election of a new Teaching member of staff to the Board of Governors
Liverpool's famous games industry is to get a boost from experts at Liverpool John Moores University as it hosts the first industry networking event
The policy has been updated with two new areas of activity on internal moderation and the use of generative AI (GenAI) in assessment.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Honorary Fellow, Dr Larry DeNardis, the former US Congressman.
Ester Ragonese, Associate Dean Education (APS) and Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from Advance HE.
LJMU’s Natural Capital Hub team has been helping primary school children learn more about their environment.
Our EDI team caught up with Christian Owens, founder of GenderSpace, to discuss gender identity, trans- awareness and policing for Transgender Day of Remembrance.