Search the LJMU website

  1. Jobs and vacancies at LJMU

    Find out more about current jobs we have as well as information regarding the opportunities and benefits we have to offer for all of our employees.

  2. School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment careers support

    As a graduate from the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.

  3. Liverpool Screen School careers support

    As a graduate from the Liverpool Screen School a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.

  4. Recruitment process at LJMU

    We want to get the best out of you throughout the recruitment and selection process and hope that this information will help you to be as prepared as possible for what to expect.

  5. Benefits of working at LJMU

    As a valued member of staff at the University in addition to competitive salaries, generous leave allowances and staff development opportunities there are numerous other benefits that contribute towards the excellent total reward package that we offer.

  6. Driving growth

    Discover some of the ways LJMU is helping to drive economic growth in Liverpool, the city region and beyond.

  7. Liverpool School of Art and Design careers support

    As a graduate from the Liverpool School of Art and Design a wide variety of career opportunities could be open to you. Find out what careers you could secure and how, through placements and events, the School will help boost your employability.

  8. Employment and skills

    LJMU delivers a comprehensive service to support our students to develop employability skills and experience to help them succeed in their chosen careers.