Meet the team - Resources for Professionals who support Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Meet the team involved in the online resource hub.
Meet the team involved in the online resource hub.
The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education has an extensive record of conducting educational research that has been influential locally, nationally and internationally.
LCR 4.0 helps SMEs to increase productivity and de-risk innovation by supporting the development of smarter products, processes and supply chains through the adoption of new technological advances.
Read the UKSPF privacy notice for enterprises.
Find out more about a workplace reasonable adjustment passport (WRAP) which serves as a live record of your agreed workplace adjustment needs with your line manager.
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Take a look at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences recent research publications. We publish in high impact sport science related journals.
Discover how Knowsley Metropolitan Council benefited from working with LJMU's staff, students and resources on the Partnerships for Older People Projects.
Qualitative Analysis in Action is an online toolkit that provides open access to 32 interviews with inspirational Nepali women along with a range of resources and demonstrations of qualitative data analysis.