Workplace Reasonable Adjustment Passport (WRAP)

What is a workplace reasonable adjustment passport?

A workplace reasonable adjustment passport (WRAP) serves as a live record of your agreed workplace adjustment needs with your line manager. Regular discussions about your passport with your line manager will help them provide personalized support and make necessary adjustments at work.

This workplace adjustment passport is not intended as a formal policy document. Rather, it serves as a guide to facilitate discussions between you and your line manager regarding the individualised support required to fulfil your day-to-day responsibilities effectively. Its aim is to enhance your overall work experience and foster a positive environment for both you and your colleagues. It is designed to help tailor requirements that meet your specific needs and promote a productive and inclusive workplace.

Download the Passport (Word, 104KB)

Who is this passport for?

WRAPs are for anyone who has a disability, health condition, or circumstance (for example caring responsibilities, cultural needs, gender assignment) which they would like to make their manager aware of. The WRAP provides a framework for discussion and recording of how we can best support people who would benefit from reasonable adjustments.;

How to use this passport

To fill out this passport, include any details that might help your line manager understand how your disability, condition, or circumstance affects your daily life. You are not required to disclose any information that makes you uncomfortable.

Once complete, the WRAP can provide a framework for a discussion with your manager about how we can support you to work at your best. This passport is your personal document and can be shared with line managers in your current or new department to assist in implementing any needed workplace adjustments. It should be reviewed annually with your line manager, although more frequent reviews may occur if there are changes in your health or work environment.

What is in the passport?

It will contain sections about yourself, what adjustment details, workplace adjustment review records, training and interview adjustments, access to work, adjustment planner, workspace, working hours, communication, equipment and technology.

Do I have to complete all of it?

No. This is your document, and it is up to you how much you feel comfortable disclosing. In addition, not every section will be relevant.

What happens to the passport once I have completed it?

You will keep a copy of the passport and a copy will be kept securely by the HR Business Partner and by the line manager on staff infobase.

I’m not sure what adjustments I need. Is there someone who can help me?

There are several places you can find more information and get support if you would like. The adjustment planner in appendix 4 of the passport contains some prompts to help you. In addition, if you have a disability, you can speak to your HR Business Partner for a referral to occupational health, and you may wish to apply to Access to Work (see the additional information in appendix 3 of the passport).

If you would like any further support, please email