LJMU on hand to ease NHS burden on endoscopy demand
Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy in the UK is at its highest and continues to rise, LJMU is now aiming to meet this gap in patient need by supporting the delivery of a new course.
Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy in the UK is at its highest and continues to rise, LJMU is now aiming to meet this gap in patient need by supporting the delivery of a new course.
The Ambassador of Togo visited LJMU recently to establish academic, research and business links between LJMU and Liverpool city region and the Universities and businesses in Togo.
Scientists from LJMU and Cambridge help piece together human remains and the story of the Neanderthal cave dwellers of Shanidar
LJMU scientists team up with police, farmers and unions ahead of new legislation on dog attacks
The headline results from the recent Technicians Survey are now available, along with an outline of our next steps.
The Men’s Staff Network will provide a space for colleagues to celebrate the positive contributions and achievements of men; raise awareness of the issues affecting men and boys and the associated impacts on wider society and offer opportunities for formal and informal networking and mentoring.
LJMU is offering second and final year students (level 5 and 6) the opportunity to apply for a paid 'Discovery Internship' working with a local organisation in the Liverpool City Region on a real-life project that you can really get stuck into.
Communal living arrangements such as university residences can make students more at risk of contracting scabies. Find out what the symptoms are and guidance of what to do next.
Library Services also recognised for being exceptional in 10 areas.
LJMU with scientists from US and Kenya find Homo erectus and Paranthropus boisei lived in same place at same time