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  1. Frequently asked careers questions

    If you have any questions that you may want a quick answer to, then head over to our FAQs. Topics include Careers Team services, events and fairs, the CareerSmart Programme, finding jobs, placements and internships, postgraduate study, potential scenarios and school/faculty-specific information.

  2. About PROTECT

    The Research Centre for Critical Infrastructure Computer Technology and Protection (PROTECT) specialises in: security to safeguard systems against cyber-attacks, networking to support the systems’ distributed operations, game techniques, as well as software engineering and artificial intelligence. Learn more about PROTECT's research specialisms and the Centre's research groups.

  3. ESIF privacy notice for SMEs and Individuals

    Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) works closely with local partners, often small and medium size company’s (SME’s) to ensure that important projects with a public benefit can be properly funded with help from European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF).