Footprint fossils suggest lizards have been running on two feet for 110 million years
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham
Bipedal movement has existed in modern reptiles for much longer than we previously knew, writes Dr Peter Falkingham
MRes English student, Lindsay Wilkinson shares her insights into the orangutan volunteer project in Indonesian Borneo.
Final-year mature Adult Nursing student Kerri Jones explains her career journey and why it’s never too late to study at university.
Business Studies student, Julia Harrison, shares her top tips in preparing for exams.
The value of a university education has been a hot topic for some time. We look at the benefits to doing a degree - why it's a valuable investment in the professional and personal future of students.
The LJMU student telling anxiety to jog on...
We've been working closely with Degree Apprentice employers so we've gained some insight into what they are looking for in candidates.
Six scientists share their supplement recommendations.
Despite being illegal, chhaupadi, the practice of exiling menstruating women and girls from their home – often to a cow shed – is still practised in some areas of Western Nepal. Chhaupadi is an extreme example of the stigmas and restrictions around menstruation that exist not only in Nepal, but also globally.
Jorge David Capera Holguín an international student from Colombia answers some of the most commonly asked questions about settling into student accommodation.