Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre staff
Find out more about the staff from the Electrical and Electronic Research Centre. Read the researchers profiles, publications and contact details.
Find out more about the staff from the Electrical and Electronic Research Centre. Read the researchers profiles, publications and contact details.
Explore graduate opportunities across all sectors, understand different recruitment processes, and prepare for your future career.
We identified that our priorities for development involve consolidating some areas, promoting some SDGs which are not typically present in our work, and influencing wider strategy within the institution. Our final goal is about embedding PRME into our strategic management practices.
Discover how LJMU promotes health and sustainability with local and ethical food sourcing. Using plant-based menus, Fair Trade coffee and water refill stations.
Black Lives Matter success stories and resources
The Astronomical Technology Group is interested in optical and near-IR observations and the technology that facilitates them. Activities of the group include the operation of the robotic Liverpool Telescope and the development of its 4 metre successor.
Events and opportunities from the UK Malaysia University Consortium.
Find out how LJMU's research informed the design and implementation of new innovative services across the North West of England for the management of self-harm and suicide risk.
Here are just a few reasons why you should choose the Liverpool Business School.
Find out more about the history of the Liverpool College of Arts