Search the LJMU website

  1. Training, workshops and events

    LJMU’s EDI Team are proud to be working in partnership with an array of equality and diversity training specialists and subject matter experts, in order to offer the opportunity to participate in workshops and training.

  2. Publishing Your Courses in Canvas

    Lots of great work has gone into the Faculty’s Canvas courses (modules) this summer and it has been a real pleasure to see them take shape.

  3. Forensic Research Institute (FORRI)

    The Forensic Research Institute is a research and training organisation with expertise in aspects of evidence collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. We have a proven track record of impact in assisting criminal justice agencies in crime-prevention, police work, the preparation of cases, victim identification, victim and witness support and much more.

  4. Professor Keith George

    Read the profile of Professor Keith George, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise).

  5. Pregnancy study

    Can physical activity during pregnancy improve mother and baby blood vessel health? If you're pregnant and would like to take part in this study, find out more about what is involved.

  6. School of Psychology careers support

    Our Psychology degrees are accredited against the requirements for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Find out more about the career prospects available to students at LJMU's School of Psychology.