Usernames and passwords
Many external (non-LJMU) websites have been hacked recently, resulting in millions of usernames and passwords being leaked and passed on to criminals.
Many external (non-LJMU) websites have been hacked recently, resulting in millions of usernames and passwords being leaked and passed on to criminals.
Tom Sedgwick, PhD student at the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), part of LJMU,has with a team of ARI astronomers discovered 140 ‘new’galaxies, with findings due to be published in April’s edition of the prestigious journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Prof Padam Simkhada, Professor of International Public Health at the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, delivered the keynote speech in the International Conference on Mixed Methods Research (ICMMR 2019) at the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, India on Saturday 23rd February 2019. Professor Simkhada also gave an inaugural speech on the implications of mixed methods on health service research during the conference inauguration ceremony.
Astronomers, including Professor Maurizio Salaris from the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University, used the Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the globular star cluster NGC 6752 (located 13,000 light-years away in our Milky Way's halo).
RateMyPlacement ranks LJMU 14th in UK for work experience.
As part of Pensions Awareness Week, Merseyside Pension Fund will be running a series of live online events which aim to increase pensions awareness among active members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
Upcoming artists 'enter the Pluriverse'
Journalism graduate Gioia's heartfelt film seeks answers after death of her father
Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory selected by OECD to share learnings on impact on sustainability of Higher Education and research institutes.
What do you think LJMU’s priorities should be around sustainability and climate change?