Search the LJMU website

  1. Usernames and passwords

    Many external (non-LJMU) websites have been hacked recently, resulting in millions of usernames and passwords being leaked and passed on to criminals.

  2. Staff flu jabs

    As part of LJMU's focus on staff wellbeing, we are offering free e-vouchers to get your flu jab.

  3. Rethinking the orangutan

    The critically endangered orangutan—one of human’s closet living relatives—has become a symbol of wild nature’s vulnerability in the face of human actions and an icon of rainforest conservation.

  4. LJMU Wellbeing Week: See Say Signpost Suicide Prevention Training

    Training available during Wellbeing Week... It’s important that we continue to find out different ways to enhance our own and other’s wellbeing. There are a number of FREE training opportunities available to staff and students during Wellbeing Week including See Say Signpost Suicide Prevention Training…