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  1. Biodiversity thriving at LJMU

    An environmental study has revealed dozens of species of wildflowers and grass are thriving across the LJMU estate.

  2. Human speech evolved from great apes

    Researchers have shown that, contrary to previous arguments, great apes do have control over their voice, and can learn how to ‘speak,’ throwing new light on the evolution of speech.

  3. LJMU academics assess US Election race

    A week out from potentially one of the most consequential US elections in history, academics from LJMU assess some of the key factors which may decide the outcome.

  4. Work culture key to success of digital roll outs

    Research by the Institute of Capital Culture, a collaboration between LJMU and the University of Liverpool, has found that creating a positive digital culture at work and encouraging worker confidence in digital tools are the most important factors in ensuring digital roll-outs are successful.