Search the LJMU website

  1. Positive Action Training

    Find out more about the positive action training scheme that helps LJMU employ more local people of colour.

  2. Professor Pat Shenton OBE (1945-2021)

    During her long career with LJMU, Pat was recognised nationally and internationally as an innovator who was progressive, courageous, and determined to enhance the life chances of young people. Up until her retirement in 2010 she was at the forefront of teacher education, schools, and community engagement; all with lasting legacies to this day.

  3. PhD seminars

    Find out more information about our PhD seminars.

  4. Courteney Peterson

    Courteney is an English graduate who became a mum while studying at LJMU. She went on to receive a prize as one of the top students thanks to her grit and determination to obtain her degree.

  5. Seminar series 2020-2021

    The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about Seminar Series 2020-2021.

  6. Julian Parker

    Read the oration for Julian Parker OBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  7. Finding the right path

    Read Karen Critchley's story - When Karen graduated with a degree in Fine Art from LJMU she was not at all sure what she wanted to do with her life. Some 14 years on she has a Masters in Public Health under her belt and a flourishing career at the Public Health Institute.

  8. Pupil and heart: Autonomic correlates of listening effort

    Are you interested in taking part in a research project that aims to identify physiological indicators of listening effort? We are looking to recruit participants for a study that examines the heart- and pupil-related responses associated with effortful listening.