Search the LJMU website

  1. My Account

    Access My Account, see how to activate your account, change your password, change your security questions and what to do if you forget your password.

  2. Alumni

    Join the LJMU Alumni Association and experience the benefits of being a graduate. Apply today if you're not already a member.

  3. Welcome to 2020 – Panopto quizzes

    There is a recent flipped learning case study on the University of Sussex TEL blog. Sussex have recently introduced Panopto and also use Canvas so you may find this interesting and useful.

  4. Faces of Merseyside

    What do our faces say about who we are? The Faces of Merseyside aims to answer this. The project shows the average facial images of people in Merseyside based on their occupations and interests.

  5. LJMU main switchboard

    Estate Management provide a comprehensive, customer focused, professional switchboard service Monday – Friday.

  6. IT help for students

    Welcome to our IT help and support section for students. Here you can see all of the IT services available to you to work from home or on campus as well as information about managing your LJMU account and how to ask an IT related question.

  7. LJMU Connectors - staff wellbeing hub

    Find out more about the LJMU Connectors. The LJMU Connectors are on hand to provide peer support and make sure staff have access to the appropriate resources and services.