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Which computer science degree is for you? Find out more about each of our different courses and their content
Which computer science degree is for you? Find out more about each of our different courses and their content
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Liverpool Business School
Today we find ourselves in uncharted territory; disorientating and unfamiliar waters leaving many of us dealing with a new routine, on the hunt for novel solutions and new ways of working. Read more...
Download our International Guides for insights into Liverpool, LJMU courses, and how to apply as an international student.
What students of English have to say about the course
Award-winning LJMU graduate Jenna Campbell shares the ups and downs of her journey to becoming a screenwriter.
My Sh*t Therapist and Other Mental Health Stories book review
Read the full oration for Nisha Katona MBE on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
Find out more about LCR Activate, a c.£5,000,000 project which, over the next 3 years, seeks to help companies in the Digital and Creative sector take big leaps forward.