Travelling to the Joe H Makin Drama Centre
Here you will find information about travelling to the Joe H Makin Drama Centre including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Joe H Makin Drama Centre including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
acknowledgement of individuals and institutions who helped with the production of Dr Gerry Smyth's online learning resources based on his setting of the lyrics included in James Joyce's 36-lyric sequence entitled 'Chamber Music'
You'll discover a range of cafes and food outlets on our campuses. Find out when they are open and the types of facilities available such as wifi and computer access.
Graduate opportunities exist across all sectors and with employers of all sizes, but there are significant differences in the recruitment process and focus of the roles.
Learn the international application deadlines for undergraduate courses at Liverpool John Moores University, starting in September 2025 or January 2026.
Students from the U.S. planning to study, or currently studying at LJMU will need to understand how their federal or private loans will be paid to them. This section provides information on loan disbursements, opening a UK bank account, cancelling a loan, and more.
Are you looking to work whilst you are studying with us? Find out everything you need to know about the services we can provide to students who are looking to find employment during their studies.
At LJMU the safety and wellbeing of our students is a priority. To ensure that all students can learn and achieve safely, free from abuse, harassment and harm, we have developed a safeguarding policy and associated procedures.
If you have accessed support for your disability or health condition throughout school and university, e.g. in the form of a support plan or funding, you might be concerned about similar support being available to you in the workplace.
The Student Futures Team offer free lifetime support to our LJMU Alumni. Find out more about our services, how to use our online careers platform, how to stay connected to the university via LJMU connect, and about Graduate Outcomes.