Search the LJMU website

  1. Why volunteer?

    Learn how volunteering at Liverpool John Moores University can benefit you while studying.

  2. SDG 1 - No poverty

    Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: No poverty.

  3. Just the job for Ryan

    Read Ryan Paden's story - two years into his three year MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice, Northern Irish student Ryan has the job he wants and a bright future ahead of him.

  4. Wireless network privacy notice

    This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information whenever you connect to a wireless network at LJMU.

  5. What it's like to be a teacher

    Several months into her role as a primary school teacher, we catch up with Sarah Wright, who completed her teacher training with LJMU, to find out what her first year has been like.

  6. Why study at LJMU?

    Discover why LJMU is the ideal choice to study. Explore a range of outstanding courses, a vibrant city campus environment, and exciting career opportunities.