Great Apes ‘outnumbered 200 to 1’ by 2050 in own feeding grounds
Research review in Frontiers in Conservation Science predicts habitats increasingly overrun by farmers
Research review in Frontiers in Conservation Science predicts habitats increasingly overrun by farmers
LJMU’s latest Faculty of Health graduates had cause for double celebration today as they officially picked up their qualifications in the same month that the NHS turned 75.
This article was published in The Conversation and authored by Sarah Schiffling, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management, LJMU and Liz Breen, Reader in Health Service Operations, University of Bradford.
Energy use patterns from smart meter data could be used to help identify whether people are suffering from conditions such as dementia and depression, computer scientists have shown.
Journalism students from Liverpool John Moores University have been reporting on the general election for ITV, BBC and Sky News.
Reindeer from one 'genetic ancestry' travel ten times further on average than others
LJMU astrophysicist works with European Southern Observatory and collaborators to confirm Milky Way-like galaxy from 700m years after Big Bang
Vivienne Stern MBE met with Vice-Chancellor Professor Mark Power to learn how LJMU is creating a thriving environment for its students and the impact it's having on the region.
The university’s Liverpool Screen School (LSS) has delivered six roadshows to introduce year 10 pupils to the prospect of High-end TV (HETV) careers.
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'