Mount Pleasant Car Park
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Home cameras and baby monitors are wide open to cyber-hackers, according to an expert at Liverpool John Moores University.
Nominations are sought to fill one vacancy on the Board of Governors for a Staff Governor (Teaching) for the period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2023.
New partnership between the NTDC and HEaTED. LJMU subscribes to HEaTED and promotes related opportunities and support for our technical staff.
It has been called the last men's club in journalism, but expect a much more female future for the UK's sport coverage.
The main University examinations will take place between 27 April - 7 May 2020.
Policies updated
The aim of the programme is to offer LJMU Managers, Programme Leaders and Personal Tutors further support and guidance, in relation to; operating more confidently and effectively, whilst developing themselves and their staff/students positively.
The main theme of this conference is 'Continuous Improvement: the Art of the Possible'. In response to positive feedback from last year's conference, we again welcome submissions on the sub-theme of Health and Wellbeing.
The university has launched its new social media policy to help staff get the most out of their communications and to stay safe.