CPD Specialist Bowel Cancer Screening Practitioner Programme
This level 7 CPD course will enable you to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches.
This level 7 CPD course will enable you to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches.
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Find out more about how LJMU Business School created a model that re-engineers the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and trials operator, ensuring greater communication and common purpose. Improving patient outcomes through better project management of clinical trials
Learn more about our collaborative projects and how you can get in touch with us for more information.
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
School of Engineering
Driven by committed IT professionals, IT Services team deliver excellent, transformative customer focused IT services, supporting our students and staff in achieving LJMU's strategic goals.
Learn more about race and racism in Liverpool and the UK.
The Legal and Governance Service team ensure that the LJMU community and estate is safe and legally compliant. Read our statements below to understand how we govern, protect your privacy and are transparent in our commitments and practices.
We are always trying to make our research transferable to the intended population. Therefore, the Coaching and Pedagogy Research team are busy engaging in creating edited books, book chapters, blogs, podcasts, and online webinars.