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  1. Building maintenance update

    We have entered a new partnership with an award-winning contractor to maintain your facilities across the university.

  2. New EDI Workshops Announced – Domestic Abuse Awareness & ‘Actions Speak Louder’ Allyship Training 

    LJMU's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team are proud to be working in partnership with a number of subject specialists, to deliver a range of interactive (online) staff development training opportunities, including the introduction of two brand new courses; a 2 hour Domestic Abuse Awareness Workshop and a 90min 'Actions Speak Louder' Experiential Allyship (Race) training session, as well as the return of LJMU's 3 hour Transgender Awareness Workshop (back by popular demand).

  3. Staff online security training

    If you have not already completed your online security training for this quarter, you must do so as soon as possible.

  4. Academic Board vacancy

    There is currently a vacancy on Academic Board for a member of the Directorate to serve as a member of the Academic Board/