Family judge for Cheshire and Merseyside hosts first LAC public debate event
Her Honour Judge Margaret de Haas QC hosted the first public debate held by LJMU’s Legal Advice Centre, which focused on the legal rights of grandparents.
Her Honour Judge Margaret de Haas QC hosted the first public debate held by LJMU’s Legal Advice Centre, which focused on the legal rights of grandparents.
Discover the intertwined history of our species. A new free gallery officially opened at the World Museum Liverpool on 6th September 2019. The opening was marked by a family event: Human Evolution Festival, but the gallery is now open to the public and an activity trail will be available soon. Where do we come from? What makes us human? These fundamental mysteries have shaped the study of human origins for centuries. Trace our species’ evolution from the first upright primate through to modern humans.
Our staff networks have been integral in progressing certain policies for LJMU staff, including on maternity leave and menopause.
Thinking of going postgrad? Attend our on campus Postgraduate Open Day and get an insight into postgraduate life here at LJMU.
The Environmental Sustainability and Energy Team at LJMU are holding a number of cycling based activities and events throughout the year
The Environmental Sustainability and Energy Team at LJMU are holding a number of cycling based activities and events throughout the year
The Environmental Sustainability and Energy Team at LJMU are holding a number of cycling based activities and events throughout the year
The Environmental Sustainability and Energy Team at LJMU are holding a number of cycling based activities and events throughout the year
The seminar series of the ARI features a list of renowned astrophysicists who present their recent research.
Thinking of going postgrad? Attend our Postgraduate Online Open Day and get an insight into postgraduate life here at LJMU.