Policy Updates
Recent updates to policies
Recent updates to policies
Liverpool City Council will shortly begin the process of demolishing the Churchill Way flyovers.
School of Justice colleagues Dr Robert Hesketh, an expert on gang crime, and former detectives Richard Carr and Peter Williams, have been inundated with requests for commentary on the unfolding events and have gained coverage internationally.
National hero Phil Packer MBE visited Liverpool John Moores University today (Jan 30) as part of a campaign for better student mental health.
LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.
The university is committed to providing a holistic package of services and resources to support your wellbeing.
Liverpool John Moores University is proud to have been awarded the Liverpool Bambis Breastfeeding Friendly Mayoral Award and this week received the accolade from the Deputy Mayor of Liverpool.
A new study shows that money is better spent on forest protection and law enforcement than rescue and rehabilitation
In support of gender-equality and the several departments considering applying for their Athena SWAN Bronze/Silver Awards here at LJMU, this Athena SWAN Workshop: Understanding Data and Top Tips has been arranged in order to provide Departmental Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Teams (SATs) with the opportunity to gain some practical knowledge in relation to the application process.
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of the first wealthy Iron Age community in the North West of England.