Largest dinosaurs walked more like hippos than elephants
Analysis of footprints evidences unique Sauropod 'roll'
Analysis of footprints evidences unique Sauropod 'roll'
Liverpool John Moores University, in partnership with the University of Liverpool, are set to host a new £1.3million Centre for Doctoral Training providing comprehensive postgraduate training in data intensive science.
First comprehensive advice on 'true' and 'false' side effects
We caught up with the co-chairs of the current LJMU staff networks to find out what they have already achieved and what their plans are for 2022.
Academic colleagues are invited to express an interest in becoming a panel member or chair for our Validation and Periodic Programme Reviews.
Welcome Trust study draws on LJMU psychology scholarship
Summer is here, and with more time spent outside and catching up with friends, LJMU are reminding all students, living within the community, some simple reminders on how to be a good neighbour.
For the past year, teachers from eight primary schools across the Liverpool City region and South Sefton area have participated in a CPD programme, led by experts at LJMU, to increase confidence and self-efficacy in the teaching of science
From 3-4 million years ago the pattern points to bipedalism
Liverpool Business School lecturer, Dr Madeleine Stevens, is tackling the often-uncomfortable topic of redundancy in her latest publication.