Contact – Faces of Merseyside
Get in touch with the Faces of Merseyside project via Face Lab.
Get in touch with the Faces of Merseyside project via Face Lab.
Access information for the John Lennon Art and Design Academy.
Find out more about updating your profile photo. We have begun publishing all staff and student security card photos into AD/Azure. This means that the images will appear in Office 365, specifically Outlook and Teams.
In 1978 gay rights activist Gilbert Baker created the first Pride flag with the goal of it being a symbol for everyone. Since then many new flags were created to represent all communities within the LGBTQI+ community.
By considering diversity in assessment design, we can create inclusive and culturally responsive assessments that accommodate various learning styles and perspectives.
Quick guide to graduation day - what you need to know about the graduation ceremony.
This is a free-access learning resource that is hosted by the School of Humanities and Social Science at Liverpool John Moores University, and is inspired by a new version of Chamber Music, a book of poems published by Joyce in 1907. These pages provide video commentary on both the poetic and musical aspects of Chamber Music, as well as video performances of all thirty-six of the newly composed versions.
Access information for James Parsons Building.
Find out more about managing stress and the resources available to you.
Find out the background and context of the Being Lean and Seen project - a project which aims to help advance project management knowledge.