Keynote speakers
At the Students at the Heart conference 2023, there will be a range of presentations, workshops, demos and stalls themed around the new LJMU Values of Community, Inclusivity, Community and Student Focused.
At the Students at the Heart conference 2023, there will be a range of presentations, workshops, demos and stalls themed around the new LJMU Values of Community, Inclusivity, Community and Student Focused.
Elder Dempster Lines was one of the UK’s largest shipping companies. As part of the Homeward Bound project, we’ve spoken to a number of Elder Dempster’s former employees and passengers, recording their ‘real’ stories and experiences. You can listen to their Elder Dempster stories here.
Dementia is a term used to describe a range of progressive neurological disorders. LJMU has been involved in the world of dementia care for many years and is an active member of the Liverpool Dementia Action Alliance.
To mark the movement of the School of Education to the Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies (APSS) this blog post highlights the practice of Sarah Tickle from the School of Justice Studies and her use of Microsoft Sway.
Aurora Programme
LJMU has developed strong teaching and research collaborations with Nepal in areas such as public health, gender and education - find out more about our research with the country.
Prospero is LJMU’s high performance computing (HPC) facility for research. It is hosted and operated by the university’s IT Services (ITS) division, as a service to the university’s research community.
A-Z of Employment Policies and Guidelines and Forms
Read more about the history of Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.
Find out how to search and apply online for accommodation that meets your wants and needs.