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  1. Impact of achievement motive on physical effort

    We are looking for adult volunteers to examine how achievement motive —the motivation to achieve excellence and accomplishment—and task difficulty affect the effort that individuals invest in a physical handgrip task.

  2. The Football Exchange

    We deliver real-world solutions to the football community. Our areas of interest within football include: fitness and nutrition, psychology, match analysis, physical activity, skill acquistion and coaching, and performance analysis.

  3. Visits and evidence for the Liverpool Health Commission

    Liverpool Health Commission is a new, dynamic initiative fully funded by Liverpool John Moores University. The Commission aims to conduct independent investigation and critical analysis of significant, key public health and health care policy issues.

  4. Nepal and gender

    As a part of the LJMU Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you can find out about the gender issues within Nepal.

  5. Faces of Merseyside

    What do our faces say about who we are? The Faces of Merseyside aims to answer this. The project shows the average facial images of people in Merseyside based on their occupations and interests.